The Room Wiki

All of The Room games end with an ending cinematic. These are short videos that play after the gameplay has ended. All of the ending cinematics are played in the first person, with the exception of the ending cinematic of The Room: Old Sins and some parts of The Room Three cinematics.

In The Room

The Room is interesting because it has two ending cinematics instead of the usual one. The first one plays right before the epilogue, and shows parts of The Cog Room and zooms into a green light. The second one plays after the epilogue, and shows someone flipping over Tarot cards, and foreshadows The Room Two. The second cinematic is played in the mobile version of The Room, but not on the PC or Nintendo Switch versions.

In The Room Two

After the player goes through the door at the end of the laboratory, the ending cinematic begins. It shows the player emerging in A.S.'s house, with the The Tendrils spreading. The player runs out of the house, and the house is destroyed by the tendrils, and a green light fades away.

In The Room Three

The Room Three has four ending cinematics, one for each ending. The first ending, Imprisoned, features the train that the player is in emerging out of a tunnel into the Null Planet. The train goes towards the ziggurat, and the view zooms out and the landscape fades into a box. The box closes, and we see The Craftsman standing as a portal opens.

In Escape, we emerge in the boathouse. The Null tendrils begin moving throughout the room. The protagonist is hit by one of the tendrils and falls into the boat and loses consciousness. The player regains consciousness a moment later, and is a good distance from Grey Holm. A bird is flying above the protagonist. He stands up, and watches as Grey Holm is destroyed. He then looks at the mainland, and it fades to white.

In Release, we emerge in the boathouse. The Null tendrils begin moving throughout the room. The protagonist is hit by one of the tendrils and falls into the boat and loses consciousness. The player regains consciousness a moment later, and is a good distance from Grey Holm. There are tendrils in the sky, emerging from the clouds. He watches as Grey Holm is destroyed, and then looks back at the tendrils in the sky. The screen fades to white.

In Lost, the cinematic begins with a far away view of the Null Planet. We warp closer and closer to the planet, and then we warp onto the planet. There is a large sandstorm around us, and we look around and see the ziggurats. In front of us is a temple. The temple door opens, and the screen fades to black.
