The Room Wiki

All of the games contain cutscenes where the player cannot interact with their surroundings. These take place during the game, and at the end of the game. All of the people in the cutscenes are recorded using FMV (full motion video).

In The Room[]

Along with simple moving of the camera when an action is performed, there are several notable cutscenes that are listed below in chronological order:

  • The short video of A.S. sitting at a table with one of his boxes. On a first look, nothing appears to happen. When the eyepiece is on, the box spins and the word, TRIAL appears on the wall, A.S. points to TRIAL. A.S.'s face is also scratched out.
  • When the player looks at the photo of A.S.'s Manor with the eyepiece on, the camera will move inside of the Manor, go inside of the open box, and will enter a space with cogs. The camera zooms into a set of dials, which turn to the word, SIGIL. When viewed again, the camera stays in this position for a moment, then zooms out with a flash of green light. This cutscene will repeat if done again.
  • There is a short cutscene at the beginning of the epilogue. This shows the player going through the portal at Greyhenge, and then rushes through a mass of cogs, zooming into a green light.
  • The ending cutscene features a man, presumably A.S. flipping over several Tarot Cards, and foreshadows The Room Two. This cutscene is only played in the mobile version of The Room, but not the PC or Switch ports.

In The Room Two[]

Along with simple moving of the camera when an action is performed, there are several notable cutscenes that are listed below in chronological order:

  • At the end of the Crypt, the Ship, and the Temple, a short cutscene plays where the player goes through the door to the next level.
  • At the end of the Seance, a short cutscene plays that goes back and forth from a Null Sample to the boat.
  • In the Crossing, a short cutscene plays where the player walks up the hill and enters the Laboratory.
  • In The Laboratory, there is a short video that plays with a severed arm being electrically stimulated. When viewed with the eyepiece, two symbols are carved into the viewer.
  • At the end of the Laboratory, a short cutscene is played when the heart starts beating and the player is sent to the Cog Room.
  • There is a cutscene at the end of the game when the player re-enters A.S.'s manor. It shows the player emerging in A.S.'s house, with the The Tendrils spreading. The player runs out of the house, and the house is destroyed by the tendrils in a flash of green light, and then the green light fades away.

In The Room Three[]

Along with simple moving of the camera when an action is performed, there are several notable cutscenes that are listed below in chronological order:

  • There is a cutscene where the train moves into a dimly lit tunnel. The Craftsman can be seen, and a box appears. The Craftsman is recorded using FMV.
  • A similar cutscene as the first plays when the player takes the Null Shard. The Train is wrapped in tendrils, enters another tunnel, and the player is transported to Grey Holm.
  • When the player looks through the door into the center of Grey Holm, the Craftsman can be seen walking past the font and through a portal. The Craftsman is recorded using FMV.
  • In each level, there is a cutscene where the player goes through a door in the hub to the main location of Grey Holm where each level is played.
  • At the end of each level, when the player collects a Null Shard, there is a cutscene where the player is transported back to the main hub of Grey Holm.
  • In The Clock Tower, each time a bell rings a cutscene is played showing one of the crystals breaking and a gate opening.
  • Each time a token is given to The Mystical Maggy booth, a cutscene plays where the automaton version of Maggie reveals a Tarot Card related to one of the endings.
  • In the paper theatre, there is a cutscene that plays when the wax cylinder recording of 'Midnight At Grey Holm' is played on the phonograph. The curtains open, and the camera circles around the phonograph a few times. It then leaves the theatre which collapses, and a drawer opens with a token inside.
  • There are four end cutscenes, one for each ending:
  • The first ending, Imprisoned, features the train that the player is in emerging out of a tunnel into the Null Planet. The train goes towards the ziggurat, and the view zooms out and the landscape fades into a box. The box closes, and we see The Craftsman standing as a portal opens.
  • In Escape, the player emerges in the boathouse. The Null tendrils begin moving throughout the room. The player is hit by one of the tendrils and falls into the boat and loses consciousness. The player regains consciousness a moment later, and is a good distance from Grey Holm. A bird is flying above the player. The player stands up, and watches as Grey Holm is destroyed. The player then looks at the mainland, and it fades to white.
  • In Release, the player emerges in the boathouse. The Null tendrils begin moving throughout the room. The player is hit by one of the tendrils and falls into the boat and loses consciousness. The player regains consciousness a moment later, and is a good distance from Grey Holm. There are tendrils in the sky, emerging from the clouds. The player watches as Grey Holm is destroyed, and then looks back at the tendrils in the sky. The screen fades to white.
  • In Lost, the cutscene begins with a far away view of the Null Planet. The player warps closer and closer to the planet, and then the player warps onto the planet. There is a large sandstorm around the player, and they look around and see the ziggurats. In front of the player is is a temple. The temple door opens, and the screen fades to black.

In The Room: Old Sins[]

Along with simple moving of the camera when an action is performed, there are several notable cutscenes that are listed below in chronological order:

  • A cutscene showing lightning strike, temporarily revealing the dollhouse.
  • The seal being revealed when the player places the family crest.
  • Each room ends when the player grabs a strange artefact. When this happens, tendrils and a black corruption spreads through the room, and the player exits. The camera moves to the seal, and Null Goop is shown spreading on that room's symbol.
  • When a lamp light is placed on one of the lamp-posts, there is a cutscene where the camera revolves around the dollhouse once.
  • When the player places the Anubis mask, the lights go out, the mask glows red, and after a bright flash, a crystal appears in its mouth.
  • When the player enters the eye of the model human, a cutscene plays ghost-like versions of Abigail and Edward arguing. A book is thrown at a vase. Abigail and Edward were recorded using FMV.
  • There is a cutscene in the submarine where the figurehead of the Helena rises out of Null Goop. After taking the globe emblem from it's necklace, the player exits the submarine
  • When the player shoots the harpoon at the bell, there is a short cutscene showing the bell ringing, and then falling down.
  • After the player lights the fuse in the lockbox in the Maritime Room, there is a cutscene showing each seal on the box exploding off. It ends in the top of the box being thrown by the final explosion, revealing one of the artefacts.
  • In the Garden, after aligning a Null glyph in the fountain, there is a short cutscene showing an artefact rising out of the fountain.
  • In the Artist Studio, after tracing a glyph on a painting, there is a short cutscene showing the painting being altered to reveal Abigail holding a key.
  • In the Artist Studio, after tracing another glyph on a different painting, there is a short cutscene showing the painting being altered to show Edward standing in the Artist Studio. The painting changes several more times, with Edward destroying things in the room. When it ends, the Artist Studio changes to match the damage done to the painting.
  • In the Attics of the dollhouse, when the Edward figurine is directed to the Abigail figurine, there is a cutscene of Abigail disappearing as Edward goes to her, and then the seal breaks open to reveal another layer of the Attic.
  • In the final Attic, when you place both halves of the crest onto the dollhouse there is a short cutscene where the dollhouse opens up and a Null Sample is revealed.
  • When the Null Sample is taken, there is a cutscene showing tendrils spreading across the room, and the player is taken back through the layers of the attic, with tendrils releasing their hold on the dollhouse. When the player comes to the real attic, the dollhouse reverts to it true form. The Collector's suitcase then opens up, and the player can then place the Sample in the case.
  • The end cutscene shows the Collector walking through the Temple of The Circle, past robed figures. The Collector walks to the altar, and places the suitcase on it. The case opens up, and the Sample is placed onto the altar. The camera then zooms out to reveal many Null Samples on the altar. The Collector in this cutscene is recorded with FMV. The robed figures are CGI.

In The Room VR: A Dark Matter[]

Because of the nature of VR, there are no cutscenes where the camera moves. There are times where the camera is teleported to a spot, but in this game, the majority of cutscenes happen as the ghostly visions. These are described below:
